Friday 9 November 2007

Another Visitation

Oh dear, I am rather concerned. Dorothy and Julian are apparently coming around again tonight to put some of the furniture together.

Julian wanted me to iron the curtains, but I explained that to shorten them you were supposed to get them to the right length, iron across then put some wonderweb into the crease, iron again then just cut above this. Did one, but definitely unsure about the length. I was about to do the other when I lost the tape measure, and every effort I made to put them together and try and get the length the same failed, and they came out about six inches different in lengths. I have decided to ask Dorothy to put the short one up to see if it is OK and then put the other one up too. I think I can work on it better when it is hanging since there is masses of spare material.

I found Bob left a large bag of sawdust and small wood bits which I lugged to the waste bins, but had huge difficulty lifting it up and in while holding the lid of the bin open. I was about to get rid of some other rubbish in the same way, but have now discovered I have lost my front door keys.

I suspect this evening is going to be horrendous, since I am exhausted, Dorothy will no doubt be exhausted and cross and Julian will become exhausted and cross with us both.

Still, all could be well, and if so, at least some of the furniture will be assembled and ready.

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