Tuesday 11 March 2008

Diet Looming

I will have to stop cooking since I don't have any diners!

Perhaps now is the time to go on the modified cabbage soup diet sent to me by Dorothy, translated from Japanese, which at least makes it amusing in parts. Apparently the sender lost 2.5kilos in the first four days, which of course would be water weight.

Of course I shall have to finish the boeuf bourgignonne and the trifle AND the pears first. Not to mention the soda bread loaf. Oh dear, it could be a while, then.

It seems that all proposed diets are beset by left-over food problems. The strong minded would chuck the lot in the bin, which of course is why they don't need to go on a diet.

I can't bear to throw away all the very nice food I have cooked. I shall plan to start in a couple of days by which time most of it will have been consumed. Perhaps a week or so of relative abstinence might be a good thing before Easter.

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