Friday 7 March 2008

TV , brioche and posset

I misread Dorothy's email. It seems the telly is coming after 10th, not 10am today! It is now 3.45 so I have wasted the whole day. Not entirely though. I have attempted and failed to make a souffle without following a recipe. I used normal flour instead of cornflour for the souffle mix and too much so it came out like a brioche. I seem to have a built in objection to following recipes. In the same way I made lemon posset using whipping rather than double cream and cooking just until the sugar melted rather than for three minutes. However this does appear to have worked. I think it is an indestructible pudding which any fool could make. However, Romy's email today about the most functional English word, beginning with 's' and ending with 't', seems rather timely and appropriate to this day. Am now washing sheets from spare bed.

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