Wednesday 19 March 2008

Noise and New Neighbours

The noise is driving me potty. Heard it twice in the night when I got up to go to the loo. Heard it once in the hall and once in the kitchen. This morning I heard it twice in the kitchen. I am wondering if the sophisticated new Alessi clock Dorothy and Julian bought me has an alarm to indicate that the batteries are low. Maybe I will get to the bottom of it one day. Someone kindly suggested my smoke detector might need new batteries but I don't have a smoke detector so it's not that.

My chairman's birthday today. I sent a card offering lunch unless he gets a better offer so I had better wear something respectable just in case.

The new neighbours have moved in next door. They certainly keep late hours. The lights were on and someone was pacing up and down the kitchen at 3.30am. Perhaps there is an exercise machine in there. They have also moved the small shed away from the wall to just outside the kitchen door, where it looks rather odd. Malvolio will still use it for climbing around and sitting on, no doubt.

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